
Call us for a friendly chat today

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Call usUK & EU +44 (0)845 604 4618
USA 1-855-447-4247
CANADA 1-855-681-6019
Alternatively, fill out the form below with you enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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HIS Hair Clinic are respected and globally recognised hair clinics specialising in SMP® as a treatment for hair loss. All appointments are strictly confidential and by prior arrangement only. We have a range of clinic locations for clients who prefer total privacy, and a number of exclusive salon locations are also available.
Please note that we are able to cater for clients who wish to communicate with us in a variety of languages including French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, German, Urdu and Chinese.
The journey to your new HIS Hair look for all of our clients begins with a consultation. All of our clients receive a taylor-made treatment plan and quotation prior to commencing their treatment with HIS Hair.
To obtain your quotation and treatment plan, you need to have a consultation with a trained HIS Hair Consultant.

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