
David’s Case Study

After suffering from male pattern baldness and losing his hair in his 20’s, David Richards undergoes Scalp MicroPigmentation treatment at the His Hair Clinic on Harley Street in London. “The hair loss I experienced was on the top of my head, at the back and the front, which I think affects a lot of men. I still […]
Arin’s Case Study

Arin turned to His Hair Clinic to help him regain his looks and his confidence when he started suffering from thinning hair a year and a half ago – and he’s still smiling today! “I had my treatment about a year and half ago. I had diffused thinning, so they did the whole head and […]

Benedict’s Case Study

Actor Benedict Garret gradually noticed his thinning hair and initially turned to ‘cover up’ products to help disguise his hair loss. But he admits he soon discovered the downsides to this approach. “I started to lose my hair about 7 years ago. My hairline was receding, my crown was beginning to bald. It wasn’t something […]
Denis’s Case Study

Alopecia had made Denis life a misery for months. Until he realised how Scalp MicroPigmentation treatment could help. Now his hat-wearing days are over… “A few months ago, I was training in the gym when a friend came up behind me to kindly tell me that I was going bald! Male pattern baldness doesn’t run […]

Andy’s Case Study

Andy Parker had been worried about going bald ever since he started to notice his hair thinning when he was in his early 20s. That’s when his friends started ribbing him about it too. “My hair loss started when I was in my early 20s. It just started thinning on the top at first and […]
Julien’s Case Study

I wanted a change but not an extremely obvious one, I knew HIS Hair Clinic would deliver the results I wanted. I had my first treatment session in London, my next two treatment sessions were in Paris and my final session was in London. I think this is a real selling point to any potential […]

Tyrell’s Case Study

When he started to suffer from rapidly thinning hair and a receding hairline, Tyrell decided to use SMP® from HIS Hair Clinic to create an easy-to-maintain and stylish shaven look… It started really slowly. Then, as soon as I started to notice it – and my barber commented on it too – the thinning seemed […]
Chris’s Case Study

Alopecia sufferer Chris used to painstakingly colour in his bald patches for two hours before ever leaving the house. Now he’s benefiting from a permanent solution that’s made life much more normal for him. I’m 40 now and have had alopecia for about 15 years. It started off with little patches appearing, which I just […]

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