The SMP® hair loss treatment for men provides a solution for men suffering from general hair loss, various forms of alopecia or with scalp scars, including those as a result of hair transplant surgery. Of the solutions available, few are as immediate, permanent, realistic, hassle-free, non-invasive and cost-effective as the SMP® technique.

My buddy kept looking at my head and made a comment like “wow i can’t believe you have a hairline” and we kept cracking up together like lil school girls. He’s known me since 9th grade and he kept saying “dude you didn’t even have this nice of a hairline at school” so i guess he gave me a lot of confidence that my head looked “normal” (read forum thread…)


SMP® (Scalp MicroPigmentation) is a highly detailed process that creates an incredibly natural looking simulation of micro hairs. Our sophisticated scalp application is administered to the head, usually over 2-3 sessions spaced about a week apart, to create what many are now calling the ultimate modern solution for hair loss.
hair loss treatment for men
For sufferers of regular hair loss or alopecia, SMP ® offers an effective cosmetic hair loss solution. Competent application of the SMP® technique results in the appearance of a cropped hairstyle, regardless of your hair loss situation. Even clients who are completely bald can have a natural looking hairstyle again.
The  SMP® technique involves no surgery, no scarring and no hair pieces. Very little ongoing maintenance is required, although many of our clients do return to our clinic from time to time following treatment to adapt their new style. Our consultations and treatments are backed by our unrivalled knowledge and experience of the Scalp MicroPigmentationprocess, and our world-leading client aftercare and support programme.


The SMP® technique has helped thousands of men worldwide to achieve a youthful, modern appearance, whatever the pattern or extent of their hair loss. SMP® can:
  • Create the appearance of a fuller, thicker head of hair
  • Recreate a natural, more youthful frontal hairline and side profiles
  • Permanently camouflage the symptoms of alopecia, however severe or recurrent
  • Camouflage hair transplant scars from strip or FUE surgery
  • Hide birthmarks and accident-related scars or burns
  • Work as a combination solution with a hair transplant to provide additional density


This site features a full GalleryVideo Library and a Case Studies section to showcase our results. In these sections, you will be able to view the results based on all client skin types including pale white, tanned, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian, Oriental, African and Afro-Caribbean.
Whatever your circumstances or desired outcome, our aim is to meet your individual expectations and we measure our success based on your satisfaction. We are perfectionists when it comes to hair loss solutions, working with you to achieve a natural, modern style that suits you. We provide excellent advice, treatment, aftercare guidance and support throughout to ensure that you are looked after every step of the way.


For many of our clients, they come to us following years of feeling inadequate, unattractive or old before their time. We’ve treated clients who had lost their entire head of hair by the time they were in their early twenties. People who have been victims of ridicule, abuse and low self-esteem when they should have been enjoying the best years of their lives.
We’ve treated men who have spent thousands on hair loss pills, only to suffer side effects including erectile dysfunction and poor sex drive. Then there are the clients who, in order to feel comfortable with their appearance, wear hair systems or concealers to hide their hair loss.

Some of our clients come to us in a state of desperation, having tried everything to sort out their hair loss problem. Each failed solution perpetuates a vicious cycle of worry, low confidence and poor self-image. It is no wonder that our clients express a degree of scepticism when they come for their initial consultation. That is why we believe that arranging for prospective clients to meet those who have already had the treatment is so important. We believe our clients deserve to see some proof that our technique delivers what we promise it will.


Back in the 60’s and 70’s, the cropped look was the reserve of the Mod generation. Fast forward to 2010, and the shaven style is arguably the worlds most popular haircut.
With countless celebrities sporting the style from David Beckham to Wentworth Miller, Jason Statham to Vin Diesel, the timeless cropped style is more desirable than ever. In fact, SMP® is fully endorsed by celebrity hairdresser and style iconAdee Phelan, who also wears his hair very short.
Furthermore the clean, sharp look is now more than welcome in the boardroom, adopted by key figures in some of the worlds largest corporations. Whatever your career, from construction worker to Chief Executive, your new style and new-found confidence is very likely to benefit your career prospects.


If you have ever been lucky enough to experience an event in your life that has made you feel incredible, you’d probably appreciate how it would feel to regain your hair after years of feeling inadequate.
lifestyle changeWe try to maintain contact with our past clients for many reasons, partly because we derive a great deal of satisfaction from knowing how our technique is improving peoples lives. It is extremely common for our clients to report that they have made many positive changes following treatment, due to a massive improvement in their own self-image. The most changes that our clients report are:
  • Joining a gym or starting to exercise more often
  • Quitting smoking
  • Re-styling themselves with a new wardrobe
  • Putting more effort into their relationships or starting new ones
  • Being more sociable, having more friends and feeling more respected
  • Making improvements to their career prospects
The self-perpetuating cycle is now one of positive feelings, ambition and happiness. The better they look, the more positively they feel about themselves, and the more they do to improve their lives.
Heightened confidence and improved self-image are powerful emotions that affect virtually every aspect of a mans life, and can lead to better health and wellbeing, a more active social life, more engaging relationships, a stronger sex drive and enhanced career prospects.
For many of our clients this really is a turning point, a realisation that nothing can stop them from doing whatever they put their minds to.
For others, it enables them to recapture the rapture of youth. After feeling old before their time for so long, they feel that their appearance finally reflects the person they really are.


Whilst SMP® doesn’t actually enable you to regain your hair, the illusion is so effective that no-one ever needs to know unless you choose to tell them. We have clients who still haven’t told their parents, wives and friends, even several years after treatment.
We offer help and advice to ensure that your treatment goes unnoticed on your return to work or to the family home. If you are able, and feel comfortable enough to tell your friends and family then great, but that is your decision. Whatever you decide, as a client of HIS Hair Clinic we guarantee that your affairs with us will be treated with the strictest confidence.


If you suffer from hair loss and have decided to take action, there is a huge range of solutions available, including hair systems, concealers, lotions, supplements and hair transplant surgery. The majority of our clients have tried a number of these solutions before they contact us, yet remain dissatisfied with the results they achieved.
We believe our SMP® hair loss treatment for men, offers a solution that should be seriously considered versus other options such as hair transplant surgery, hair systems, concealers, lotions and drugs.
When choosing a solution for your hair loss problem, only you can decide what is the right option to take. Consider any maintenance commitments, how the solution may affect your lifestyle, what degree of intervention you’re willing to tolerate, and of course the cost before deciding one way or another, as your decision is one you will have to live with.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a highly advanced, modern hair loss treatment for men that replicates real shaven hair follicles on the scalp. The illusion is so realistic that you actually believe you have hair, and so does everyone else. Get what style icons and celebrities are calling "The next male grooming must-have".


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