The Cure for Baldness at the Forefront of Scientific Endeavour

The Cure for Baldness at the Forefront of Scientific Endeavour

04th July 2015
Scientists the world over are searching for a possible cure for baldness – although not life-threatening, hair loss can cause great distress and embarrassment to sufferers and a breakthrough would be greeted with great acclaim. Latest Scientific Breakthroughs Recently researchers in the US have been able to engineer stem cells to become dermal papilla cells, […]
A Haircut Can Make A Big Difference

A Haircut Can Make A Big Difference

03rd July 2015
I know what you’re thinking. Why is Ed posting an article about a haircut for reading by people suffering from hair loss. The answer is twofold, first that I read everything, and I do mean everything, that is written about hair. So I came across this organisation and the work they do. After that it […]
Alopecia Areata Explained

Alopecia Areata Explained

03rd July 2015
Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss affecting around 15 in 10,000 in the UK. Affecting men and women equally, it typically begins as a small patch of baldness but it can progress, in some cases, to total baldness. The hair loss is temporary in many cases, re-growing after several months, but occasionally the […]
HIS Hair Clinic

A non-surgical solution to hair loss?

30th June 2015
Surgical hair transplants have been performed for many decades and techniques are continually being refined and improved. However, there are still many reasons why people choose not to have hair transplant surgery – results are not guaranteed, cost is a major factor and there are always concerns before embarking on surgery particularly the worry about […]
New York & Chicago Consultation Extravaganza!

New York & Chicago Consultation Extravaganza!

30th June 2015
Before the summer holiday blitz, come see what HIS Hair can do for you. Summer is officially here and the holiday of the summer is just a week away, but before you bail out for the long weekend ahead, there are numerous opportunities next week in New York and Chicago to learn more about the […]
Beauty Queen Confronts Her Hair Loss Head On

Beauty Queen Confronts Her Hair Loss Head On

29th June 2015
Former Ms. Delaware Kayla Martell inspires millions of women who suffer from hair loss by addressing the stigma of hair loss in women. Lady of the Hour In 2011, Kayla Martell won the Ms. Delaware competition and would go on to compete for Miss America (and finish in the top 10), despite that fact she […]
Listen to Graig, New York Clinic Manager, interviewed on Radio MD

Listen to Graig, New York Clinic Manager, interviewed on Radio MD

29th June 2015
Last week Graig Lauricella, our manager at the His Hair Clinic in New York, was interviewed by Melanie Cole MS for RadioMD. To hear the full ten minute interview for yourself please click here. According to the interviewer, Melanie, the shaved head is the very latest thing… apparently we can now start calling it “the […]
5 Hair Loss Myths Explored

5 Hair Loss Myths Explored

27th June 2015
Hair loss has been a problem for man since the beginning of time – ancient Greek physician Hippocrates attempted to cure his own baldness by applying what would surely have been a foul-smelling concoction of pigeon poo, horseradish, beetroot, spices and opium. The longevity of the problem means that there are many myths surrounding the […]
Why Am I Losing My Hair?

Why Am I Losing My Hair?

24th June 2015
Male Pattern Baldness Or, to give it its proper name, Androgenic Alopecia. One in three Caucasian men will experience this by the time they are thirty, the prognosis is only ever so slightly better for African American and Asian men.  The most common cause of hair loss but nowhere near the only one. Androgenic Alopecia […]
The (Balding) Battle of the Sexes

The (Balding) Battle of the Sexes

22nd June 2015
It’s no secret that women value their hair. Long or short, and everything in between, a full head of hair plays a role to an extent in their identity and their femininity. Same goes for men. A recent European study found that 62% of men said that losing their hair would be a devastating blow […]
What Can SMP do for Sikhs, Golfers and Policemen

What Can SMP do for Sikhs, Golfers and Policemen

22nd June 2015
There will of course be a handful who are all three of these things and plenty more who are two of the three. In fact it is enough to be any one of them to put yourself at increased risk of hair loss. The risk comes from Traction Alopecia. This all too common issue is […]
Snake oil anyone?

Snake oil anyone?

18th June 2015
It has always been this way In the world of hair loss the huge array of potential reasons are way outnumbered by the cures on offer, some credible but some completely outlandish. It has always been this way – The Greek credited with being the father of western medicine, Hippocrates b: 460BC, had his own […]
Most Extreme Hair Loss Treatment Yet!

Most Extreme Hair Loss Treatment Yet!

15th June 2015
Is This Really the Way Ahead Spare a thought for Valery Spiridonov, already confined to a wheelchair by a progressive and incurable muscle wasting disease, who has been talked into this most radical of procedures. The Italian doctor, Sergio Canavero, claims he will be ready to transplant a living human head onto another body as […]
Bonus Consultation Day in San Francisco

Bonus Consultation Day in San Francisco

15th June 2015
We plan to finish off the month strong and officially kick off summer the same way with an extra consultation day in San Francisco. Friday, June 26th from 10 AM to 5 PM, our San Francisco clinic will play host to consultant and practitioner extraordinaire Zang as he meets with interested prospective clients to discuss […]
There’s a Buzz Around Latest Hair Loss Cure!

There’s a Buzz Around Latest Hair Loss Cure!

14th June 2015
With spring in full bloom and summer just around the corner, you can count on bees being somewhere in the vicinity. Bees do what they do: hop from flower to flower, collecting the necessary goods needed to make that sweet honey for our biscuits and tea, while single-handedly sustaining our ecosystems through their pollinating (you […]
Platelet Rich Therapy – The Future or a Fad?

Platelet Rich Therapy – The Future or a Fad?

12th June 2015
Platelet Therapy has been around for forty odd years and these days is used in a broad range of treatments. Stem cell technology is altogether more modern. A combination of the two techniques is now being delivered in conjunction with a type of Mesotherapy to provide new hope for hair loss sufferers. What Are Platelets […]
While You Wait for SMP…

While You Wait for SMP…

09th June 2015
What are the choices to halt or slow down hair loss as you explore your options? Maybe you’re at the beginning of your research for a suitable hair loss solution. Or perhaps you’re sold on SMP and just saving up or waiting for financing to come through [check out financing here]. Whatever that case may […]
HIS Hair Clinic

A Champion for the Balding Community?

06th June 2015
Coming to terms with your hair loss? Struggling to shave those few remaining strands? Let Kit Dale be your guide and baptize yourself into the brotherhood of the bald. Every community needs a figure or two to inspire and lead the rest of us. Whatever the community’s identity may be rooted in: ethnic origin, gender, […]
Lost in Translation? – SMP, DMP or CHFR

Lost in Translation? – SMP, DMP or CHFR

06th June 2015
When is your bald massing ever a good thing? You will have spent time considering the challenges involved in finding the right solution and provider. In particular the threat from media-savvy organisations who use their familiarity with Google search and web design to craft a compelling web presence. It can take a determined persistent investigation […]
SMP Questions? – Open Days at Manchester & London Clinics

SMP Questions? – Open Days at Manchester & London Clinics

05th June 2015
I am pleased to tell you that HIS Hair will be hosting open days at these two UK clinics. It will provide an opportunity, in a friendly and relaxed environment, to come along and ask all your questions, arrest your anxieties, placate any panic and rejoice at the potential rewards. More than asking questions though, […]
HIS Hair Clinic

Tears (and hairs) on my pillow

03rd June 2015
It is almost unique among life experiences, finding out you are beginning to lose your hair. We are running an important thread on our forum inviting your contributions towards a conversation on this most personal of subjects. We want to hear from anyone with a story to tell, from the traumatic to the uplifting. The […]
Dubai – Hair Loss Capital of the World?

Dubai – Hair Loss Capital of the World?

01st June 2015
Localised Hair Loss Issue Stories about hair loss in the UAE have been coming out of the region for years now. The latest reports estimate that 60% of men will experience hair loss in Dubai, fully 20% above the global average. The thing about Dubai If you have been to Dubai you will understand why, […]
Looking for the best scalp micropigmentation clinic in Glasgow?

Looking for the best scalp micropigmentation clinic in Glasgow?

29th May 2015
The third largest city in the United Kingdom and by far the most populous in Scotland is the port city of Glasgow. It is also considered as a top European financial centre where trade and commerce is in constant motion. Transient businessmen and residents alike might be pleased to know about a certain treatment facility […]
Is Kris Jenner going bald?

Is Kris Jenner going bald?

28th May 2015
Ah, the Kardashians. The family name is synonymous with “fame whore” – or any variation of that phrase. The name became well known in the 1990s thanks in part to Robert Kardashian, OJ Simpson’s trial attorney, but it really became a household name after daughter Kim decided to run a play out of the ‘Paris […]
World class scalp micropigmentation treatments available in Birmingham

World class scalp micropigmentation treatments available in Birmingham

27th May 2015
There are a few cities in the United Kingdom that can rival the population density of London. One that might be considered to come closest to it is the city of Birmingham. Its citizens who are undergoing some form of hair loss might be interested to know that the HIS Hair Clinic headquarters is located […]
Got It From Your Mama?

Got It From Your Mama?

26th May 2015
New study suggests that perhaps your mother’s side may not be to blame for your hair loss. The old barometer of knowing if you’ll go bald or not is to look at your grandpa on your mother’s side. If he was bald or balding, then chances are you would be too. This, for many years, […]


26th May 2015
COULD THE ANSWER TO A THICKER HEAD OF HAIR REQUIRE A HEALTHY HELPING OF MEAT? Losing one’s hair is never easy. The cause for alarm can send people running to the pharmacy and/or the internet looking for the magic pill/cream/lotion/solution, spending thousands of dollars and hours looking to recapture what was now lost. But instead […]
The best place in Chicago to get scalp micropigmentation

The best place in Chicago to get scalp micropigmentation

26th May 2015
Illinois is one of the greatest states in the American mid-West. It is located along the southern portion of one of the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan. In this state resides the third largest city in the country, Chicago. Also known as the “Windy City”, it is one of the financial centers of the world having […]
World class scalp micropigmentation treatments available in Seattle

World class scalp micropigmentation treatments available in Seattle

25th May 2015
The northwestern region of the United States contains one of the major technology hubs in the world. Most might think of Silicon Valley whenever computers and its software applications are discussed. The city of Seattle however has also established itself as a booming tech center in its own right. Built in 1962, the iconic Space […]
HIS Hair Clinic

Addition by Subtraction?

23rd May 2015
USC research team suggests that a new ‘plucking’ procedure will result in more hair. A recent scientific study offers an interesting new solution for those suffering from hair loss. The maddening amount of money and time spent on sham shampoos and conditions, prescription pills and creams, hat collections, and hair transplant procedures is enough to […]


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